The intake portion of a turbine system is the beginning of the entire unit, and the quality and design of the intake system greatly effects the efficiency and overall quality of the turbine system. The main job of an intake system is to provide clean, filtered air within a set range of parameters for a […]

Expansion Joints
A key component of any turbine system is the expansion joint. Expansion Joints have been installed on Gas Turbine Intake and exhaust ducts since they were first introduced for Power Generation applications. Expansion Joints are required to isolate the delicately balanced turbine from the stresses induced by thermal movements and vibration within the duct system. […]

Time-Sensitive Installation at Secured Government Facility
LoTec understands that our customers often have time-sensitive projects that need to be completed as soon as possible. We excel at providing fast, effective solutions to customers of all types, including our recent assignment for a secured government facility. This assignment required the supply of (7) Allison 501 exhaust silencers located at a secured government […]

Pickling and Passivation of Stainless Steel
Stainless steel that is more than 11% chromium will create a passive (inert) layer on its surface that self-repairs oxidation. This layer is responsible for stainless steel’s resistance to corrosion. Pickling and passivation is the process of cleaning and resurfacing stainless steel to restore the integrity of the material and this chromium layer after it […]

Stopping Noise in Industrial Applications
Industrial noise is a serious problem in modern life. Industrial noise can be stopped by a variety of methods depending on the noise source, what type of installation is being silenced, requirements from local, state, and federal authorities, as well as many other factors. Terminology While there are a variety of methods that can stop […]

How Noise and Sound are Measured
Sound is energy, and simply put, sound is what happens when a vibration moves through air, water, or another medium. Noise, on the other hand, is sound that people don’t like for one reason or another. While music might be considered a beautiful sound to one person, it might be considered noise by another. Noise […]

Aviation Obstruction Lighting
One of the key components of the construction of any tall structure is the addition of aviation obstruction lighting. This lighting system plays a key role in keeping aircraft of all types from crashing into obstructions of any sort, like anexhaust stack. While their purposes can vary, what matters is that these structures are very […]

Methods of Torquing Structural Bolts
There are a number of ways by which you can torque structural bolts. Below are examples of the most common methods used in the field. Turn of Nut Turn of Nut is a method by which structural bolts can be tightened without the use of a torque wrench. The reason this is such a popular […]

Gas Filter Turbine Augmentation – Anti Icing
Icing can occur in a variety of environments and use cases, not just in arctic environments. As long as the ambient temperature of the air is 40º F or lower with high humidity, icing can occur. Ice can damage just about any part of a turbine, including inlet ducts, the turbine compressor, or the filters […]

Gas Turbine Inlet Augmentation- Chilling vs. Cooling
Both mechanical chilling and mechanical cooling are methods of reducing the temperature of incoming air in order to improve the performance of a gas turbine. While both methods are effective, mechanical cooling is the more efficient method—cooling does not require energy input and effectively results in free added energy to the system. Gas turbines are […]