One of our customers had a big project with some unique requirements. We always love a challenge.
They needed to operate (8) identical stainless steel Solar Saturn exhaust silencers (also known as reactive silencers) with a noise requirement of 45dBA at 190 meters, including self-generation and breakout noise. The pressure drop requirement was a 1.10” water column.
While most of these requirements (other than the noise requirement) are fairly straightforward, rarely do we find (8) units being installed in a single building, so we knew this was going to be a fun and interesting project. The low noise requirement (45dBA is about the same noise level as birds chirping) was only possible because of the remoteness of the location.
We verified the requirements for these reactive silencers, monitored the design process, and directed the manufacturing of the components, working especially to reduce as much self-generated noise as possible.
The customer was extremely satisfied with both the performance of the reactive silencers and the timeliness with which we were able to complete the project. This resulted in additional projects, including reactive and combination reactive/absorbing silencers, and even more importantly, a satisfied customer.